Max Baruch Berger
Multidisciplinary Designer, Product Strategist, & Researcher

Experience across procurement, finance, healthcare, and AI has fueled Max’s passion for designing novel computing interfaces that augment human cognition, and make us rethink the way we interact with data and the world around us.

Currently, Max is designing for Joyful Health and producing research on topics in Jewish history, defense policy, and the Middle East.

He is the editor-in-chief of Hatikvah Literary Magazine.

Looking for help with a project, want to collaborate, or just want to chat? Send him an email.

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© 2024 Max Berger

Enabling clinician independence at Joyful Health


Led product exploration, design, and strategic beta launch with key design partners. Extensive research led us to the ideation and design of Joyful’s V2, a pivoted product direction addressing pain points in practice billing (stay tuned).

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Designing an all-in-one procurement solution for Vendr


Built and launched V1 and V2 of a SaaS application that gave stakeholders clear visibility into deal status and key tasks, saving time and back-and-forth communication.

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Streamlining laboratory efficiency at SciSquare


Launched a laboratory management platform streamlining equipment, laboratory, experiment, and procurement management.

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A new way to manage luxury purchases across their entire lifecycle


Spearheaded strategic full-scale,  cross-platform product design and product launch with partner brands.

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The Bukharian Language - a Historical and Linguistic Journey of Judeo-Iranian Heritage

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From the Silk Road to 108th St - the Immigration & Integration of Bukharian Jews into 20th Century Queens

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